Delivery Drivers Settle FLSA Misclassification Lawsuit

One of the areas that creates a significant amount of confusion – and litigation – in employment law is the issue of misclassification. Misclassification refers to the practice of identifying workers who should be considered “employees” as “independent contractors” and thus denying them the benefits they deserve pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).…

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Are Workers Entitled To Pay For Time Spent Waiting To Go Through Security Checkpoints At Work?

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case filed by Nevada workers alleging FLSA violations. In Integrity Staffing Solutions v. Busk, workers who spent time filling orders, have alleged that the Fair Labor Standards Act requires that they be compensated for time spent “emptying their pockets and passing through metal detectors before…

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Reality TV Writers Seek Overtime Protections

Reality TV now makes up a large percentage of the shows Americans watch. However, unlike network show where most writers are protected by collective bargaining agreements, many reality TV writers lack these protection. As a result, like most workers, they must rely on federal and state wage and hour laws – such as the right…

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Will The Federal Minimum Wage Hike Affect You?

Beginning next January 2015 home health care workers will be covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act. This change in the law will affect the nearly 2 million home care workers who make up one of the fastest-growing occupations in the country. Currently, the FLSA covers nearly all workers who work for a wage in…

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