Equal Pay
Male Worker Successfully Alleges Claim Under Equal Pay Act
In a recent Georgia pay discrimination case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit determined that a male was entitled to proceed with his claim. The Fulton County, Georgia community development specialist alleged that he was paid less than a female manager who had the same job responsibilities. The Equal Pay Act provides…
Read MoreCiticorp Required To Pay Back Wages For Equal Pay Act Violations
A Florida woman has been awarded nearly $340,000 in back pay as the result of a pay discrimination lawsuit against Citicorp. According to the lawsuit, when Heidi Wilson received a promotion to become manager of the Citicorp service center she did not receive a raise or bonus despite the fact that the male who was in…
Read MoreBias Claim Revived Based On Lily Ledbetter Act
As the area of employment law continues to evolve, new laws are enacted, and old ones may be amended or interpreted in new ways. Fortunately many times, the new laws create greater protections for workers against employment discrimination. But what happens if you are subjected to discriminatory actions before a law becomes effective? What if…
Read MorePresident Obama Signs Ledbetter
The first bill that President Obama has signed while in office was the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, signed on Thursday, January 29th, and which overturns the 2007 US Supreme Court decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber. Ledbetter, who travelled with the President on the inauguration train from Philly to DC, and who…
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